In the Western World, we’ve gotten very used to eating what we want, when we want it. Of course, there’s a price to all of the food miles and energy associated with making sure that people in harsh winter climates have fresh raspberries all year long. There are a couple of options that can help eliminate all this eco-waste. The first is to eat seasonal produce to your area. Learn to love what grows naturally (and when it grows naturally) in your native habitat. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy fruit and non-seasonal foods off-season. But secondly, opt for frozen fruits and vegetables when out of season, or consider other sources like preserves. You may even find that you have a great time learning new recipes and dishes that use your local seasonal produce.

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Related Content: About Food Miles, Seasonal Produce Tips, Seasonal Produce Guide

Photo Credit: ayngelina via Flickr