We’re always on the lookout for ways that you can work on finding satisfaction from month to month. It was actually from our friends at Tiny Green Bubble, a website that we recommend for information about how to go green and sustainable living, that we found out that September is both Organic Harvest Month as well as National Yoga Month. These are two great ways to start finding satisfaction in ways that don’t involve a trip to the department store!

Firstly, let’s discuss Organic Harvest Month. Organic Harvest Month is sponsored by the Organic Trade Association (OTA). However, we think that somebody needs to talk to the OTA’s PR people, because most people don’t even realize that it’s actually Organic Harvest Month. It makes sense to celebrate organic food and produce in September. After all, most harvests are at their peak and the produce aisle in the grocery store looks amazing. We think that learning to eat organically doesn’t need to be a “cold turkey from fast food” situation. That’s because, as you know, our philosophy at Postconsumers is that everybody needs to find their own level of comfort with every aspect of finding satisfaction and learning to let go of “stuff.” The OTA has a great suggestion that you start out by just filling one grocery bag (preferably a reusable one) with organic produce. Just one bag! From there, you can implement small changes in how you eat and the products that you use as you go along.
September is also national yoga month! If you’ve never tried yoga before, we’ve previously written a blog post on how it’s a great way to calm yourself, center your mind, and focus on finding satisfaction. You may want to pop over to the National Yoga Month website, where you can find information on ways to introduce yourself to yoga this month. In the true nature of “spend less” that includes no shortage of free or discounted introductory classes across the nation.
We had no idea that September was such a good month to start experimenting with good, clean, healthy ways to find the satisfaction of enough. However, it looks like it is! Embrace the challenge and learn about going organic or finding peace with yoga! Got other ideas on how to find satisfaction this fall? Friend us on Facebook and tell us about them!
The Get Satisfied Interactive Handbook evaluates where you are on your journey to finding the satisfaction of enough and gives you a personalized how-to plan on beginning to find the satisfaction of enough.