Now that we’re well into 2011, it’s time to take stock of the resolutions we made at the new year and see if we’re on track. Some people want to stop eating fast food, or set aside 15 minutes every day to be more creative. I’m trying to up my running, but it’s hard to get out of the house when it’s cold outside. But with the warmer weather, it’s the perfect excuse to get some spring cleaning done, hunker down, and get back on track. (And a goal of having a better body for the summer doesn’t hurt, either!)


I have a co-worker who’s trying to quit smoking, and some days I come in and she warns me that she’s cranky because of all the withdrawals. Other days, she’s giddy because she’s so proud that she’s gone all day without a cigarette. Even on the cranky days, she knows that being smoke-free will be better for her and her 3 girls. She’s a month in and doing great so far.


Another friend of mine is making a conscious effort not to impulse buy when she’s feeling down. She’s being more aware of what sets her off, and though she does have moments of indulgence, she’s made big strides in resisting her spending and using that money to pay off her debt. With less debt, the bad moods seem to be happening less.


Spring is the best time of year to look at what you’ve accumulated and donate, recycle, and upcycle your stuff. Have a sweater you haven’t worn in a couple of years? Donate it to a shelter! It’s also a great time to resist those sales and reduce buying with the summer months approaching. Plus you’ll be saving money for a postconsumer summer vacation!


What are you going to change about yourself? Like us on Facebook and tell us!