Memorial Day is always the unofficial beginning of summer – the barbeques are fired up, swimming is in abundance, and the kids are out of school. Feels like good times, right? For those who are working and parenting full-time, summer can be the most stressful time of the year. But if you go into summer with relaxation in mind, you can have a better season.


If the thought of having your kids around the house already causes some worry, think about summer camp. There are camps in and out of town where they get to interact with other kids their age, learn some new things, and make some new friends. They’re in a safe environment where you don’t have to worry about where they are or who they’re with. And in the end, they have some great memories for when they get older, which is worth the cost.


Summer’s also a good time to slow down. When you’re doing weekend laundry, instead of drying clothes in the dryer, hang them outside in the warm sun. Making it a deliberate activity will calm you down. Plus you’ll be saving on energy bills and getting some sun in the process!


If you’re putting winter clothes away for the summer, think about what kind of color scheme your clothes are for the warmer months. Have a yellow shirt you haven’t worn in awhile? Wear it! Does your locally-grown florist have brightly colored flowers? How about putting them in the kitchen, then using them for compost later? The brighter colors will make you feel much better.


Most importantly, take time for you, even if it’s only 15 minutes. Do you read? Write? Like to take walks, or swim in a local pool? Maybe make a playlist of fun or relaxing music only for you. I like to read at the end of the day, if I can. It helps my brain shut off a little bit and I can escape into a good story before I drift off to sleep.


What’s going to help you relax this summer? Like us on Facebook and tell us your tips!