Any time of the year, it’s always a good time to take an off day with some “you” time in it to remember happy events in your life through old photos. Maybe you’re feeling a little down and need a reminder that you’ve had great times that are possible again. Or sometimes it’s just good to take a trip back in time so you can re-discover memories that perhaps you’d forgotten.

Recall Old Memories

Like a lot of people, I have old photo albums of my childhood with my family. In fact, one of them has all my old elementary school report cards with the pictures from that year. (While it’s cute, boy did I have some bad haircuts when I was a kid!) I also have a box of pictures from college – my freshman year dorm, pictures of new friends I’d made, even weekend road trips with my classmates – and it reminds me how much fun I had.

A Reminder To Connect

Old pictures are also a great way to remember the people in your life and maybe even see if they’re still out in the world. Of course, Facebook is the best place to get nostalgic and look for old friends (or even loves) you haven’t seen in a long time. I’ve connected with high school friends through Facebook, and we’ve surprised ourselves by how much we’ve grown up since then. You can see pictures of their families and you can share your own. Old pictures are also great reminders to call members of your family you haven’t talked to in a while and do a little catching up.

So the next time you have some “you” time, or you’re journaling and need to refresh your memory, or even just because, take a look through some of those old photos and celebrate the good memories and people who have enriched your life.

When was the last time you went through your old photos?  Like us on Facebook and tell us!