Enviromentaly Friendly Mother's Day GiftsMother’s Day is nearly upon us. While it’s true that all that your mother really wants for Mother’s Day is your presence at her dinner table, most good children of all ages reward mom for her hard work and dedication every day of the year with a gift. Or flowers. Or a card! This year, love your mother and your planet by selecting gifts and tokens of your appreciation (and undying love) that are eco friendly in nature. Here are some tips on just how to do that.

Stay Away from the Drug Store Cards!

Whether you’re hand delivering your card to your mother’s doorstep or putting it in the mail or email, there are plenty of environmentally friendly alternatives to buying a card (ie: killing a tree) at your local department store or drug store. One easy solution is to simply seek out and buy cards that are made using recycled materials, but we’ve got an entire list of other ideas for ways to avoid wasteful greeting cards.

Be Careful if You Buy Flowers

Everybody loves fresh-cut flowers, but often those flowers are harmful to the planet despite being a “natural” feeling gift. In addition to  the chemicals and fertilizers that go into most commercially sold flowers, you’ll typically also get saddled with a plastic pot or container, not to mention the fossil fuels used in transporting the flowers. Consider picking flowers from your own yard or having a tree planted in your mother’s name instead.

Candy, Candy, Candy

There’s not much that we can say that’s bad about candy – except that we’re all trying to eat more healthily these days! Instead of contributing to another packaged good, consider baking for your mother yourself or buying chocolates locally from a candy maker or homemade sweet shop.

You’re Never Too Old to Make Gifts for Mom

Whether you’re six, sixteen or forty-six, if you made it your mom will love it! Artwork from reclaimed objects, food products, paintings and craft projects will all have that “special” handmade love touch. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that she’ll only love it if it’s new. She’ll also love it if it’s made by you!

Go Vintage!

Thrift shopping and vintage stores can be sexy, and they’ll also mean that you can find unique, one-of-a-kind gifts. Take a twirl through your local consignment shops and find something special for your mother that isn’t advertised in your local department store Mother’s Day flyer.

Esty Away!

Many of the crafts people and artisans on Etsy make not only unique and stunning art, jewelry and textile items but also do so with environmentally friendly and reclaimed materials. Take a browse. There’s still time to order items in time for Mother’s Day.

Have other great tips on how to have a more eco friendly Mother’s Day? Like us on Facebook and tell us about it.

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Image via Flickr Creative Commons: emerson12