We love TED talks and the unique ways that speakers work to change the planet through innovation. But, of course, we love TED talks about issues related to consumerism even more. Today, we thought that we’d share three of our favorite TED talks about the topic of consumerism and how to overcome the mass media obsession with making you the most consumerist consumer that you can be! Sit back as the most awesome postconsumer that you can be and enjoy some fun.

Jessi Arrington: Wear Nothing New

We love the idea of thrift shopping, upcycling fashion and creating your own unique looks without first-time buying of clothing. We also love the New-to-You Party. That’s why we loved designer Jessi Arrington’s TED talk on how to be fashionable without ever setting foot in a first-time-use store.

From TED: Designer Jessi Arrington packed nothing for TED but 7 pairs of undies, buying the rest of her clothes in thrift stores around LA. It’s a meditation on conscious consumption — wrapped in a rainbow of color and creativity.



Rachel Botsman: The Case for Collaborative Consumption

One of the driving forces of over-consumption in America is the idea that owning something of your own gives you a status that’s greater than sharing something. However, one of the most environmentally-friendly and economically-friendly solutions to taming consumerism is to embrace a culture in which not every item needs to be individually owned. Does that sound crazy? It sounds less crazy and entirely cool if you think of examples where it’s already working, such as Zip Cars.

From TED: In her talk, Rachel Botsman says we’re “wired to share” — and shows how websites like Zipcar and Swaptree are changing the rules of human behavior.



Dianna Cohen: Tough Truths About Plastic Pollution

So much of what we consume, particularly in single-use scenarios, is plastic that then stays with us in the form of landfills and more. Like many things, lots of us don’t realize the full impact of plastics in our lives or what they’ll lead to down the road.

From TED: Artist Dianna Cohen shares some tough truths about plastic pollution in the ocean and in our lives — and some thoughts on how to free ourselves from the plastic gyre.



Did we miss a TED Talk that you think we should know about? Tell us about it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.