Maybe you’re trying to cut down on your bills this summer, and they still seem a little high. Or maybe you’re one of those lucky few who can work from home and turning off the air conditioner sounds like a death wish. You can still cut down on your bills by literally unplugging some appliances around the house – not only will you save some energy, you’ll save some money, too.

A few of the things you can unplug in order to save on your bill:


  • Cellphone chargers
  • Computer speakers
  • Microwaves
  • Coffee makers
  • DVD players


The rule of thumb is: if it has a clock on it, it’s eating energy. Cellphone chargers can eat up energy even if you don’t have your phone plugged in! And don’t forget about the kinds of appliances that have standby modes – TVs, computer monitors, laptops, or even cable boxes don’t ever really shut down. All together they can add up to a chunk of your bill. If you’re not using it, unplug it! Make a habit of it every day – if you’re not using it, make sure it’s not plugged in. And be aware that one of the keys is to unplug something as soon as you’re done with it.

Unplugging is very helpful if you’re trying to cut down on watching TV or movies on your DVD player, because if you can’t turn it on, you can’t watch it, right? Seems like a no-brainer, but for those of us with wavering willpower, being able to leave that stuff off is much more helpful in the long run – and for me, I can make a dent in those books I’ve been meaning to read!



What have you unplugged around the house? Has it made a difference? Like us on Facebook and tell us!