Here’s another one of my quickie weekend posts to get me into trouble – just augmenting Kari’s smart articles for week in and week out. How dare I suggest in the title that there’s a bigger reason than all the others as to why the economy is bonkers or that I know exactly what it is. Never mind that I’m not even allowing for those in America who don’t think the economy is really wacko, I’m sure there are three or four.

Nope, I’m going to be fearless again and simply assert that this economy is not meant to be. It’s just criminal to constantly pressure human beings for more stuff needlessly and great gobs of people are no longer buying it – click our YouTube video by Mike Swofford in the right-hand column for this entire span of human history in 35 seconds. An economy that demands continual growth is also utter stupidity on a finite planet, particularly for an endangered species.

However, it’s really fortunate that I can lay all audacity for successfully challenging this economy’s existence on John de Graaf and David Batker, co-authors of What’s the Economy For, Anyway? (coming out in November). Publisher Bloomsbury Press powerfully announced in recent days that it has been named the Best Business Book for Fall 2011 by Publishers Weekly.

So why is the economy truly bonkers? I think that people know in their hearts. How about ads that broadcast the real answer: It’s not the right economy, stupid.