It’s August, which means that school is right around the corner – and in the next few weeks there will be a whole lot of sales and specials to remind you that it’s back-to-school time, trying to get you to buy more and more. But don’t fret! You can still stick to your budget while getting the kids what they need for the new school year – and feel a little less stressed getting your kids ready.

Make A List Of Supplies
Like we always say, going in with a list will reduce your stress significantly. Ask the kids what they think they’ll need and make your own list of basic supplies they’ll require. They might still have some leftover pencils or pens from a few months ago, so take stock and keep it in mind while you’re making your list.

Get The Routine Started Early
My brother has 12 year-old twin boys, and a week before school starts, he gets them into their sleeping routine so they’ll be adjusted and alert once that first day starts (which is especially important because they’re starting middle school in a few weeks and that’s a big deal!) and they won’t feel disoriented. It’s also good for him to help him get back into the swing of things again.

Make A Thrift Store Trip
If clothes are on the list and the kids have had a growth spurt during the summer, don’t discount the thrift store for clothes and even shoes or belts. Some of them even put racks aside specifically for the back-to-school crowd. Of course, making a list of what you’re looking for is very helpful, but it doesn’t hurt to scour the racks for kids’ clothes.


What are your back-to-school tips? Like us on Facebook and tell us!