All of us at some point or another had a piggy bank where we kept all the change we found on our childhood adventures – as well as underneath the couch cushions. Nowadays, change seems to creep up on us and ends up everywhere – in the washer, at the bottoms of purses, in car cup holders, on random dressers or shelves, and of course in between couch cushions. But what if you went back to your childhood and started keeping your spare coins in a coffee can or old jar to save up for something you want to buy? You’ll reuse while you save up!


I’ve found that keeping the change in one jar is a reminder that coins don’t always have to end up in a random place, and little handfuls of change can really add up. When you’re looking to buy something, throwing in a little at a time is literally a way to watch a piece of your budget grow for something you’d like, which is a nice reminder to stick with the rest of your budget (and to remind yourself that every little bit counts).


Another good aspect of saving up this way is that it gives you more time to think about what you’re buying and whether it’s a good idea or not. You can research what you’re buying, and take your time finding the right brand and the right price for you. That way you’re sure you’re making the best purchase. You never know – you might have over-saved and could have some money left over for other chunks of your budget!



Do you still keep a can or jar for spare change?  Like us on Facebook and tell us about it!


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