With the economy in the state that it’s in, a lot of us are trying to spend less in all aspects of our lives, and going to the grocery store is one of the best places to find bargains that will reduce our spending. Along with making better choices about what brands we buy, coupons can be a helpful way to cut down on our food spends every week. The weekly ads in the mail for different kinds of deals can seem like an easy way to save. Have you started cutting coupons yet?

The Lure Of Savings

Just about everybody in America gets some form of coupon ad in the mail at least daily. And it’s very tempting to cut every coupon to save on just about anything. But what we tend to forget is the idea that “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” If there are coupons for items you don’t need, that doesn’t mean you should be spending on them – even if they’re at a discount! Coupons should be carefully considered – check the dates and plan accordingly, especially with food items. You don’t necessarily want to buy food at reduced coupon prices just to have it spoil later

Is Couponing Past Becoming A Habit?

They say that doing something for more than 2 weeks turns from hobby to habit, and the same goes for cutting coupons. While it’s a smart move to save money on groceries to help save your budget with coupons, it helps to be mindful that something that starts becoming a habit can end up taking a lot of your time. If you find yourself getting bogged down in coupons with different expiration dates, trying to keep track of them can get confusing and can end up losing you money in the long run.

Of course, most of us aren’t going to go to the extremes like the folks on reality shows do, but it’s also helpful to keep in mind that couponing should be used in moderation. Don’t buy stuff just because it has a great coupon for it!

Have you started using coupons?  Like us on Facebook and tell us about your experiences!

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