Have you checked out the Postconsumers Facebook page? If not, you may want to because we have some great conversations over there!  Recently, we asked our friends on Facebook what advice they’d have for people who are working to adjust to letting go of consumerism, “stuff” and even media addiction. Below are the best pieces of advice that we received.

Attitude adjustment – reinforce your new mindset by reading about like-minded philosophies: e.g., Postconsumers.com, ‘clear your clutter’-style books; a book I liked called “Die Broke,” many many others. Kathleen Miller

Keep in contact with like minded people. Jayne E. Capers

Think about value instead of cost. Think about everything that goes into making that thing you are considering buying, the people, the resources, and so on. Does it contribute to a system you want to support? We have mountains of obsolete stuff! Think about how we have been programmed to acquire stuff and how stressful it is to have and manage all that stuff. Think about how happy it makes us to make things instead of buy them — and share them instead of buying them. See videos on the subject: Enlightened Simplicity Category at www.nextworldtv.com Bibi Farber

Try to focus on experiences in which a consumer good is not always involved. Be in the DOING mode and not the watching/buying mode. Read, listen to music, hike, be active, do your art, but try to spend less and less time in malls where the compulsive nature of shopping tends to rise and grab us. Live every day as if only the essentials matter–because that is the truth. Again, live life for the experiences that magically happen; do not live a life dependent upon what you purchased…now, go and do..go and be!!!! Stephen R. Costie

Remember that even post-consumer doesn’t mean no-consumer. So be a savvy-minimal-consumer and always remember that disposal can eliminate waste if done properly. Ontario’s stewardship programs (Orange Drop, OTS, OES) are great for helping you recycle, refurbish and reuse Tires, Electronics, Hazardous waste and Blue Box items. Please be thoughtful with what you buy and how you dispose of it.  Orange Drop

Do you have advice that you’d like to share with other Postconsumers? If so, like us on Facebook and let’s start talking!

Need more assistance in learning to let go of the consumer media’s impact on your life, take control of your finances and find the satisfaction of enough for today? The Get Satisfied Interactive Handbook is a 30-minute web course that walks you through a series of specific questions and then presents a personalized how-to plan for becoming a postconsumer. Launch your evaluation for free right now.



Photo via Flickr Creative Commons: Sean MacEntee